Hi there, Serac Tech is now Tradereach. We've rebranded and hope you like our new look!

Grow your business


with ease



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Turn planning applications to sales effortlessly

It’s your time and money. Save it

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Targeting the jobs you want

We identify the exact types of jobs you are looking for, in the exact locations you work. We set the time you want to see them and the time you want to follow up.
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Formulating your outreaches

We then help you formulate your sales outreach plan including your letter drafts. Every industry and trade is different and timing is critical. We know that there is no one-size-fits all.
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Ongoing strategy review

We then help you formulate your sales outreach plan including your letter drafts. Every industry and trade is different and timing is critical. We know that there is no one-size-fits all.
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Sales outreach opportunities come to you

At the heart of Trader Reach is a powerful search engine, harvesting planning applications from across the country as they are filed. We help you search and filter these against your precise criteria and automate the sending of marketing letters.

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Track and follow up the best looking opportunities

Using our auto letter generator; print and send your sales outreach materials to the most attractive opportunities. These are conveniently recorded in your dashboard, where Trader Reach can be set to automatically track and follow it up.

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Key benefits for your business

Create your outreach letter template on the platform. With one click, your letters are generated for each opportunity.

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Save time

Weekly searches across all your target planning authorities are now automated. No more manual web searches.

Automated outreach

Create your outreach letter template on the platform. With one click, your letters are generated for each opportunity.

Better organised

All your outreach activity is recorded. Easily see who received your outreach sales materials, and when.

Follow up reminders

Never forget to follow up with the most attractive leads. Follow ups are automated, just like the initial outreach.

Greater reach

Want to expand your business area into adjacent authority areas? No problem, just add them to your search.
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Save money

Colleagues no longer need to spend their time doing a job that a computer can do quicker, more effectively and cheaper.


Adjust your outreach to match your workload. Scale up in lean times, scale back when your teams are busy.

Total control

Simple, easy to use interface whilst the Trader Reach team are on the phone to help you get the most of the platform.

The results speak for themselves

9/10 of our customers say that Trader Reach pays for itself in the first 8 weeks, With our cutting-edge lead generating tool, businesses are experiencing rapid growth and seeing a significant boost in their revenue streams.

2 min.

The time it takes to reach every  relevant opportunity you want


Planning applications are processed each week on average.
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Trusted by more and more growing companies

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UK's Leading CRM for Sales Opportunities & Lead Generation